I am not 100% sure why you are unable to open this. I build and uploaded the schematic 4 yrs ago. It will need to be imported into MineCraft. Remember, this is not a saved world, just the blocks of the build and surrounding area! I used MDEDIT 1.8 to extract the data. Hope this helps.
First World Hotel Genting Highlands, Malaysia* on December 29th, 2021 01:36 AM EST
Sorry (1) The Art Museum download does not come with the Flag, (2) The original Maze does not and will never come with the flag, (3) Was Flag on the Maze was designed for someone else who ask for it.
Art Museum (Like the Louvre) on March 2nd, 2021 12:01 AM EST
Thanks for the interesting in my building. Please go ahead and put it on a server (Give me the credit). As far as blue prints, Google Maps were my blue prints for building this building. In addition to that, I had the pleasure of visiting the great city of Nashville to get a first hand look! As far as the inside, too much to do on the strip, so I never made it there!
AT&T Building Nashville, TN (AKA "The BATMAN Building") on July 6th, 2020 12:39 PM EST
Then Search for my LARGE AIRPORT 2-0. Better have the room for it.
Large Airport on October 29th, 2019 12:20 AM EST
Welcome back! Pages have been empty of great art work. Keep it up, even though those Bas*#$#rd Are going to .5 vote your work!
AMD 990FXA-GD80 (MSI) on August 12th, 2019 01:35 PM EST
Interesting - https://www.minecraft-schematics.com/schematic/13094/
Спектр маяков on July 8th, 2019 01:51 PM EST
Great Art work! How about, the Reinstatement of MatthewStevenGO!
Anime on April 1st, 2019 03:28 PM EST
Merci d'avoir téléchargé l'un de mes articles. Il est conçu pour 1.12.1 et la machine est construite avec du béton vert. J'espère que cela t'aides
Thanks for Downloading one of my items. It is designed for 1.12.1 and the Machine is build with Green Concrete. Hope this helps
Cargo Ship Yard-Port on February 4th, 2019 12:23 AM EST
This is great! I really appreciate all of the time and effort you put into your build (I gotta download this baby as I have a spot for it). I can see all of the quality and effect you have put into this. Too busy to post stuff as I too am working on my largest creation ever (80Mil Blocks so far, 45% complete). It is almost a block by block build and my fingers are killing me.
My vote has pushed it up your numbers. Wish it could be more. Sorry for those that don't understand all the hard work you put into your builds, like Matthew and I do.
Assume Job!
Billionaire's Row: Mega Mansion on May 31st, 2018 05:52 PM EST
This is very Nice Looking. I have a full shell of 30 Rockefeller Plaza that I have been working on in my spare time (Life Size that is) 20% complete. Just no time to finish it as I'm working on something bigger and more complicated.
Rockefeller Centre on April 13th, 2018 05:57 PM EST
Not bad for your first run. I would have love to see you put a little more into your pixel art, like I did with my Thomas, Percy, and Gordon, adding a nice face to him. I get it as it is small and you can't do that on this scale. Good Job!
Diesel Thomas and Friends on December 25th, 2017 10:43 PM EST
Thanks! I try to look and build unusual things. The logo that was posted gave me the idea! Just had to finish a few things before starting it.
Atari 2600 Video Gaming Consol on December 10th, 2017 12:22 AM EST
Hey Sarff,
I'm really not one to build with any mods so what seems to be there should not be. I have imported some downloads that are quite near to this building, which could have brought mods into my world without my know how. I have also done so many importings, deletions, and cutting and repasting in this area before building this building. Its possible they are still in this area (Wonder if that explains some of my chunking issues and lag)? This could be the reason why you could be seeing this stuff. It should all be standard MC 1.12.2 stuff.
The Big Bend skyscraper 600m New York United States on December 1st, 2017 12:25 AM EST
Yes, except for the 0.5! I got inspired by SupperCraft5000 and the Atari logo posting. Don't you just LOVE those votes. Actually, I prefer more downloads and favorites than the votes.
Atari 2600 Video Gaming Consol on November 25th, 2017 01:14 PM EST
You are correct, I could have called it the Batman Building, but those that do not live in Nashville would not have known what it was (Maybe my voting would have been better if I called it that! LOL)! I did mention that in the beginning of the Description, because I have a great friend who lives in Nashville that told me about it. Glad you like the building.
The cool thing is if you Google pictures of this building, my minecraft version come up!
AT&T Building Nashville, TN (AKA "The BATMAN Building") on November 25th, 2017 12:07 AM EST
Holy S#*#!!!! 8 Votes @ 1.8??? That is total BS! Personnel, I think they do it just to get your stuff off the top page. Saw one of mine on the top for a week, then boom, 30 pages down because of 1 vote.. I think they should show break-downs of 1 thru 5s to see how the votes are split (Just like BB & Amazon). It would show a better look at how people rate.
Me, I'm just wondering when you will run out of graphics cards LOL. Nice Work!
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti DirectCU II TOP V2 (ASUS) on October 29th, 2017 12:26 AM EST
Yes, This sucker is built with colored concrete and for the outer frame work, I used Blocks of Quarts. Verion of MCEdit is for MC 1.11.2, which does not support the latest blocks. That made it difficult to use, Frame work only (Wondering if that made it difficult to extract from my world). The inside is all single block work or I could have cranked this puppy out in weeks. A newer release would help with my current builds as I'm single blocking it right now.
The Big Bend skyscraper 600m New York United States on October 23rd, 2017 12:16 PM EST
When I saw the original design, I thought, piece of cake, I will knock this think out in a week. OMG later, why did I start such a big project. I thought I would never finish. Thanks for downloading it. Hope you can squeeze it into your world!
The Big Bend skyscraper 600m New York United States on October 7th, 2017 02:58 PM EST
Actually, Redstone was NOT even on my color scope to build this, but as I tried to build the design with other blocks, I had trouble matching up the design. When I started build the 3rd side of the design, nothing matched up, so I started over, many times. With limited options, I was left with Sandstone or Red. The pictures that I saw made me want to build it. I knew I would get dinged on the voting because of the color/block choice. That is why I mentioned the color in the description, as I placed it in my world next to my “The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (7 Ancient Wonders of the World)” design. It would be nice if we could build stairs from every block that is in Minecraft (And we need ancient blocks as well or a nice mod to alter the block color).
Chand Baori on October 2nd, 2017 08:45 AM EST
Thanks for downloading my build. I would have loved to make it bigger, but I was kind of worried I'd hit the Mine-Craft Cap and the outside of the build would not align with the pictures I was studying. Was down there for MLK Hockey tournament, thought it was a cool building. Time to vote the cap height bigger in MC!. Because, I have set a standard height of 68 in my world, lowering it to make it bigger would look bad for me (Sear's Tower Hint Hint)! Maybe I should have put Southern Bell back on the building as well! LOL
AT&T Building Nashville, TN (AKA "The BATMAN Building") on May 29th, 2017 02:18 PM EST
Not sure how much gaming power you have for your PC, but My PC is a Win8 64bit, i7-6Core 3.5ghZ Processor with 32gb Ram. Graphics: NVIDIA GT980 with 4gb ram. To make sure it worked, I created a new world and MCEDITed it in. Took a while to display before I click IMPORT.
18 Hole Golf Course on July 1st, 2015 04:30 PM EST
Sorry bud, but when I build the maze, there were not a whole lot of blocks to choose from.
YOU'LL BE A-MAZED!!! on June 22nd, 2015 12:20 PM EST