AT&T Building Nashville, TN (AKA "The BATMAN Building")

Category Towers
Theme Modern
Size Large
File Format .schematic
Submitted by ronman101
Posted on March 22nd, 2017 07:42 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 1060 times


Length 91 Width 87 Height 141 1116297 blocks Relative height to paste: 68 blocks


Currently the tallest building in the state of Tennessee (Also known as the Batman building to the locals), it soars high into the skyline of downtown Nashville. Decked out in all white with blue glass, the top of this building has a familiar logo, AT&T. Replicated using Quartz block and Blue stained glass, this building stands a full 10 stories in my Minecraft world. Unlike the original, I have decked this out for fun with: Two elevators, two sets of stairs, Apartments on floors 2 thru 6, Office spaces (unfurnished) on Floors 1, 7, 8, and 9, observation deck on floor 8, and a Wedding/Banquet hall on top floor, Including a head table, guest seating, dance floor and a stage for a DJ. If your favorite colors are blue and white, this building is for you (I put enough into it). Also on the first floor, I have added a few water fountains and a couple of water ponds, filled from the water flowing down the back of the elevators. As always, the entrance sits at a height of 68.

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Comments (8)

Any chance you have the layer by layer blueprint for this building. I want to add it to a server I play on.   by unquiet_mind
on July 2nd, 2020 10:28 PM EST

Thanks for the interesting in my building. Please go ahead and put it on a server (Give me the credit). As far as blue prints, Google Maps were my blue prints for building this building. In addition to that, I had the pleasure of visiting the great city of Nashville to get a first hand look! As far as the inside, too much to do on the strip, so I never made it there!
  by ronman101
on July 6th, 2020 12:39 PM EST
It does look great but you have the wrong name, Here in Nashville we call it the "Batman" building. :-)   by gcdesroches
on November 24th, 2017 02:18 PM EST

You are correct, I could have called it the Batman Building, but those that do not live in Nashville would not have known what it was (Maybe my voting would have been better if I called it that! LOL)! I did mention that in the beginning of the Description, because I have a great friend who lives in Nashville that told me about it. Glad you like the building.
The cool thing is if you Google pictures of this building, my minecraft version come up!
  by ronman101
on November 25th, 2017 12:07 AM EST
Looks great and very close to the orginal but I wish it was a little bit taller, I live in Huntsville, AL Btw so I see the building like 10 times a year when we come up to Nashville   by Impactic
on May 29th, 2017 01:21 PM EST

Thanks for downloading my build. I would have loved to make it bigger, but I was kind of worried I'd hit the Mine-Craft Cap and the outside of the build would not align with the pictures I was studying. Was down there for MLK Hockey tournament, thought it was a cool building. Time to vote the cap height bigger in MC!. Because, I have set a standard height of 68 in my world, lowering it to make it bigger would look bad for me (Sear's Tower Hint Hint)! Maybe I should have put Southern Bell back on the building as well! LOL
  by ronman101
on May 29th, 2017 02:18 PM EST
Looks great   by jolztonpickle
on April 12th, 2017 03:31 AM EST

Thanks for the comment. Hope it looks good in your world as it does in my!
  by ronman101
on May 29th, 2017 02:19 PM EST

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