Elykdez's Stone Basalt Generator

Category Redstone
Theme Other
Size Small
Submitted by Elykdez
Posted on June 30th, 2020 08:42 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 789 times


Length 15 Width 5 Height 6


(This creation is now integrated in the Factory of the MBC with minor tweaks.)

Do you guys really play survival a lot? I'm not sure, but I do; I play in the latest version, I do some redstone, I make compact contraptions, and I share them so you can paste them everywhere and have fun :D ...especially with this hybrid redstone machinery under the latest nether update!

- It is a stone generator. Not cobblestone, but if you mine with pickaxes without 'silk touch'.
- It is a basalt generator. Some fancy new blocks we have now.
- It is BOTH!! You can easily switch between them with only 2 levers.
- Basalt generates about 3x faster in speed than stone.
- It is incredibly compact! The truth is it sacrifices some speed (almost halved on stone, very little on basalt) for having a 2 in 1 generator of such size with a very tricky redstone circuitry.
- Good news is, it is expandable, so you can make it an infinite long one with minor signal extensions, if you eager for stone.
(Basalt is actually a type of stone, I guess?)
- And I even considered a bit of aesthetics, like there is no visible lava or redstone on the front and so on.

This might be the very 1st creation of its kind I have found. It looks simple, but not that easy for a hybrid one. Making a cobblestone/basalt generator is indeed way straightforward and faster in speed, and a cobblestone/stone one comes simply by replacing all soul soil with anything else. I've almost finished a triple one, but I'm not gonna continue cause it is not compact and we can mine stone to get cobblestone anyway; it doesn't sound that stupid.

Actually I'm still a bit unsatisfied about using too many observers, not only they are pretty expensive in survival (if you build it instead of paste it), but also some pedantic guys specifically hate observer for thinking it as a hack in MC; it does make things compact however, and I feel fine. Though my creation is not for everyone, I'd say please try it if you really need both some stone and basalt and if you might not have too much space for 2 generators.

Version required: 1.16+

How to import by structure blocks (in vanilla MC):
- Please LOAD IT 2 TIMES!! by a structure block when everything stills or you will see it broken.
- I believe it is fine if you load it by WorldEdit (after forge comes out) and without the glitch I have mentioned.
- Please READ↑ and do follow my instructions, then enjoy the game!

How to use:
- Top lever off = stone
- Bottom lever off = basalt
- Both levers on = halt (default setup)
- Both levers off = NEVER, it breaks. Switch 1 off once at a time.
- Be sure to mine later, even it's fine if you forget to. You may need this if you'd like a complete automation.

- There is always a 1 row residue of stone / basalt when you turn or switch the levers.
- This contraption is kinda robust, but still if you mess up with the levers (both off, or switching too fast), you may encounter some unexpected stone generation patterns, maybe like a striped one, or a mosiac one. THAT MIGHT BE EVEN MORE INTERESTING!

~ I'm currently working on a printer project derived from this and I think you are getting that idea! Maybe you'll make something better than mine, if you are interested, and for sure I'd be fascinated to see yours.
~ Please endorse if you like it and have fun!

Other Creations From Elykdez

Casino - Modular Base Collection
Elykdez's 5x3 Sand Gate
Elykdez's 3x3 Hidden Portal
Swordmaiden - Guardian of the Queen

Comments (4)

hello This version of the stone and basalt generator is unique, great idea! I did not know what to do with the .nbt file, as it turned out Litematica supports this file and opens it for those who do not know how and where to open this file.   by RedMaster
on January 9th, 2023 03:29 PM EST
Hello, I wanted to download, but I don’t need the whole world and the .nbt file I don’t support, I just need a litematica file   by RedMaster
on January 8th, 2023 02:38 PM EST
how do i make it make stone   by Diagonal
on August 24th, 2022 11:38 AM EST

Switching the upper lever off only shall do the trick!
  by Elykdez
on September 3rd, 2022 11:56 PM EST

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