5-Level Spleef Arena

Rated 4.3 from 34 votes
Category Arenas
Theme Futurist
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by Omanoctoa
Posted on May 12th, 2015 06:16 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 1750 times


Length 35 Width 35 Height 56 68600 blocks


A large, 5-level Spleef arena (dubbed Spleef-5) designed to allow players extra chances to survive, and for a variety of spleef-oriented tactics. Otherwise there isn't much special about it. Glass domes on top and bottom keep players from getting out (just end the spleef region above the bottom dome) while ladders allow players to descend around viewing rings so they can watch the action.

Lights hidden in the walls also light up the arena as snow blocks are broken around the edges, so it doesn't get too dark inside. Actual structure is roughly 35 blocks wide and roughly 56 blocks tall (floats).

Pasting the schematic in-game will put it above your head, if I recall.

Other Creations From Omanoctoa

DOOM Level 1
Twin Forts Arena
PvP Rings
Nether Golem Statue

Comments (8)

This is the perfect spleef map. Thank you!   by bc732
on February 14th, 2018 01:27 AM EST

Thanks! It looks better if the colours get mixed a bit too!

The best tactic I've seen on it so far, is someone mining down to the lowest level and clearing it out (and the one above it), then waiting for the upper levels to vanish to force players down and out! :D
  by Omanoctoa
on February 14th, 2018 06:08 AM EST
Hello, I cannot get the arena to work, what do i with the iron block? it says to punch it but i have and nothing happened
  by AtomicNerd
on April 30th, 2017 09:17 PM EST

The Iron Block was the start-game trigger using the PVP-Arena plugin. I have since learned there are other ways to rerun the arena setup...even Command Blocks with vanilla commands. The schematics is not drop-and-play, sadly. It will need a plugin or commandblock setup to power it.

All the Iron Block itself did was teleport players into the arena, on the top floor. At the bottom you would need a teleport field or region of some kind, that removes players from the arena. Otherwise, all you need is something to reset the snow blocks.
  by Omanoctoa
on May 2nd, 2017 05:06 AM EST
Hi great build added it to my server looks really good cant wait to test it out...
I have set you as author of the map,,, Thanks
on April 26th, 2017 03:51 PM EST

Cool! We just had a host change so I need to set the original back up again...
Thanks for the author credit :)
  by Omanoctoa
on April 27th, 2017 04:50 AM EST
Out of the 10+ Arenas on my server this is my favorite! I think this is one that really brings players into the fun of spleef matches since the 5 levels allow for a few mistakes without it being "fatal". Thanks for this schematic, I made sure to credit you and link back to this page.   by maximarcana
on May 16th, 2016 10:11 PM EST

Thankyou! I tried to set it up so players who fell down a level wouldn't be out of the game, and even more could still break the block above them. Just for something a little extra.

I've experimented with a few Spleef-style areans with walls and barricades as well, so players have to actually break through the arena to find, then drop, their opponents. It adds some unexpected tactics and surprises :)
  by Omanoctoa
on May 17th, 2016 05:12 AM EST

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