PvP Rings

Category Arenas
Theme Futurist
Size Small
File Format .schematic
Submitted by Omanoctoa
Posted on May 13th, 2015 07:48 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 821 times


Length 35 Width 35 Height 20 30240 blocks Relative height to paste: 0 block


Small floating arena based on 2 'rings' made of bricks, lapis and -glass. Primarily designed as a pvp arena, this arena could be used as a 'knockout' arena, or use mv-portals (like I have) so players re-appear back on the top platform (where they start) whe they fall off. This add allows players to live a bit longer, however not having the portal underneath would increase the overall replay value. Up to you. Four glass bridges link the lower ring in the center, and are toggleable.

This arena, by default, is also set up to use Craftbook [Bridges], and CreativeGates water-portals, though again, you could easily use multiverse portals for them too. These are easy enough to remove though, just break whatever you don't want (simply enough, just break the pressure plates or drain the water).

WARNINGS: Make sure water cannot flow when you paste this schematic, else it will wash away the pressure plates and the [Bridges] will not work. If they do get washed away, just check the screenshot to see where they should be placed.

If pasted in-game, the arena will appear roughly 8 blocks above your head, centered.

Other Creations From Omanoctoa

DOOM Level 2
DOOM Level 8
5-Level Spleef Arena
DOOM Level 4

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