Lower-class Modern Convenience Store with Apartments

Rated 4.2 from 17 votes
Category Houses And Shops
Theme Modern
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by furdabip
Posted on October 11th, 2013 07:49 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 446 times


Length 23 Width 23 Height 14 Relative height to paste: 1 block


Series 1 - Modern City Housing and Infrastructure - Designed using Minecraft 1.6.2 vanilla.

An orange & brown branded convenience store with lower-class apartments on the second floor for use in a downtown city business district. The store comes with a coffee station, standard shelves and racks, wall shelves, and a back-loaded freezer. There is also an employee-only back room complete with way too many shelves and boxes and barely enough room to walk around in, for that authentic convenience store feel.

- 2 apartments
- 4-block high ceilings.
- Uses Redstone Lamps as lighting fixtures.
- Does not use torches.
- Does not use enough lighting to prevent mob spawning.

Embellishment Ideas: Item frames with glass panes in them for oven doors & computer screen in the apartments. A sign on the door marked "EMPLOYEES ONLY."

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