Phonograph - Modular Base Collection

Category Entertainement
Theme Modern
Size Small
Submitted by Elykdez
Posted on November 14th, 2019 03:52 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 299 times


Length 19 Width 19 Height 15


Modular Base Collection - Phonograph


- It plays The Dragonborn Comes of The Elder Scroll V - Skyrim.
- Is a music box with 2 sequential sound tracks, both tuned individually.
- Is also an MBC style base with all MBC features.
- lasts about 40 secs and it can be automatically replayed forever, as your wish.
- Soothing. It doesn't actually matter even if you haven't heard that music before; The Nordic rhythm surely warms your heart in chilling wind.

How to import (in vanilla MC):
1. Read the instruction about structure block on wiki.
2. Place the nbt file under {MC directory}/saves/{your world}/generated/minecraft/structures/.
3. Open your world and type: /give @a minecraft:structure_block 1.
4. Always Include Entities. If you load more than once, turn it off on consequent loads.
5. Load it into your world, structure name = file name.
6. If anything breaks, load it twice after 10 seconds.
7. Replace the structure block with sandstone and it is done.
8. It is also importable by WorldEdit, or anything supports .nbt files.

How to use:
1. Find the lever beneath the hopper clock, it is on left corner from the entrance.
2. Flip it and play. When it turns on, it will automatically replay after finished, until you close it.
3. Feel it, not by what you see, but by what you hear! You may close the game music for better acoustics.

- If you turn it off while it is playing, next time it may cost some seconds for the music to play (won't be too long, I promise).
- Occasionally if you hear the beats a bit messed and you are sure, what I can say is because MC is not a music software... Some repeaters may lag because of world loading, redstone rendering, etc., it varies with your PC condition as well. I'm sure everything is well tuned, if they act normally. Maybe it just takes some time, like a real tube amp needs some burn-in...

~ Replace the clock with a button, then you can listen to it once at a time by just a click.
~ If you don't like the mix, you may extract a single sound track but if you mess up while adjusting, FYI, better just reload it to fix. Actually I'm almost mad at tuning this thing, kind of building a computer, with ears...
~ I did make something about a real 'programmable' phonograph, sadly it does not work simply like this one and has a way bigger size... I may post it if I find a way to squeeze everything inside an MBC base, as an update for this if so.
~ Thanks to Bethesda Software and Mojang Studio for their wonderful games.
~ Thanks to BSL shaders and Soartex resource pack for the amazing screenshots.
~ Enjoy, please endorse if you like it, and have fun.

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