Sear's (Willis) Tower

Rated 2.8 from 3 votes
Category Towers
Theme Other
Size Huge
File Format .schematic
Submitted by ronman101
Posted on June 18th, 2015 03:51 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 240 times


Length 51 Width 50 Height 187 476850 blocks Relative height to paste: 68 blocks


Originally built, block by block, now modernized and updated using MCEDIT or should I say, gutted and remodeled. This 27 Floor tower closely resembles the Sear's Tower (aka Willis for you new folks) of downtown Chicago with its design, walkout glass views, and towering antenna's. Constructed out of Bedrock (Voting for Black Steel), to give it the look, it stands as the tallest structure in my world (just 3 block shy of the "top of the world" --- mom). Set the Stone base at 68 or lower to avoid placing it beyond Minecraft's top block level. Each floor is completely furnished (Sorry, if there are any flaws Unfinished can fix them yourself), with an observatory level on the 27th Floor. Up there, you can walk out onto the Glass panels for a view of your world. Night time views are scary, but cool: WOW!!!! There is 476,850 blocks in this building. It will take you a while to go up and down those stair (Maybe I should have used an elevator). Enjoy another one of my creations.

Other Creations From ronman101

AT&T Building Nashville, TN (AKA "The BATMAN Building")
Art Museum (Like the Louvre)
Percy the Tank Engine #6
Rubik's Cube (Solved)

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