Middle Eastern Village (1.8.9)

Category Houses And Shops
Theme Other
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by GameBreaker
Posted on January 8th, 2016 01:51 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 595 times


Length 75 Width 52 Height 27


A small to medium sized Middle Eastern style village.

Now updated to support more traders and stored items.

Schematic is fenced with a perimeter of 75 x 52 blocks. Contains 12 structures composed of the following:

1. Houses - Small, Medium, and Large houses. Small houses contain items for one player, medium and large houses hold items for two.

2. Bazaar - A two story shop building that holds six traders selling various items and consumables.

3. Mosque - Located in the middle of the town.

4. Market square - Eight stalls, now occupied by Market Traders buying and selling various items.

Village contains 6 villager spawners under the palm trees in the corners of the village. Also contains Iron Golems for defense.

Place in deserts for best effect.

Other Creations From GameBreaker

Saab 21
US Navy PBR (Naval Version)
M113 APC/IFV (Summer Digital Version)
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Comments (3)

needs an update. Great work!
just don't like where i need to stand to paste
Wool Carpet explode everywhere "does not float"
4/5 Stars
Was exactly what i was looking for! :D
  by jj0333
on March 13th, 2019 07:27 PM EST
Great indeed.   by Aleksandarnp
on March 13th, 2016 09:21 AM EST
Great work   by jjboy04
on February 6th, 2016 10:34 AM EST

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