Four Theme Garden Gazebo

Category Gardens
Theme Other
Size Large
Submitted by raebabe
Posted on August 7th, 2014 03:31 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 338 times


Take a stroll through this peaceful garden and you will find scenic spots to hideaway with someone special. It would be a nice place to have a picnic or enjoy some wine. Each corner reveals a different theme to enjoy. They include a secluded cabin with a floating bed to get fresh air, a romantic tower to enjoy the view, a relaxing beach to get sun-soaked and the heart over the rainbow to hide from view under the rainbow. In the heart of the garden is a romantic gazebo complete with stained-glass lighting, stage, fireplace and intimate seating. Strewn all around is a collection of the finest flowers Minecraft has to offer. Enjoy!

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Comments (3)

This is beautiful, but I think should have said Large...I put it behind a Big Farm Estate (from here) and it took almost all of it. Of course with my luck, my pc froze and I had to reload, meaning I could not undo. I did however keep your's and finish destroying the estate, because your's was so interesting. Maybe I did something wrong rezzing it.
  by AngelNacole
on September 26th, 2014 10:02 AM EST
Looks incredible! Keep up the good work. Only problem is that the download is shown as a "World Save" and it just redirects to mediafire, and the file is actually a schematic. Please correct this in the future. thank you!
  by seventy6
on August 30th, 2014 01:27 PM EST

yes, I had forgotten when I downloaded, I had to run around and undo and change files.. I was concerned at first. I don't like when I get redirected from this site. As I believe this to be a trusted site, and not sure about others.
  by AngelNacole
on September 26th, 2014 10:04 AM EST

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