
Category Towns
Theme Modern
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by GameBreaker
Posted on April 19th, 2014 03:55 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 1517 times


Length 28 Width 25 Height 16


Classical, single-storey brick and quartz courthouse as seen in most western towns and cities.

The internal layout is modelled after that of the British courts.

Positions are labelled with signs and contain the following:

1. Judges (up to 3)
2. Reporter and Clerk
3. Plaintiff's desk
4. Defendant's desk
5. Accused's seat
6. Witness's seat
7. Jury box

There are three rooms on the inside:

1. Counsel chambers
2. Juror's room
3. Judges chamber

Place in urban and town settings for best effect. Works both in Modern and Medieval settings.

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