Space Zeppelin Carrier

Category Flying Machines
Theme Futurist
Size Huge
File Format .schematic
Submitted by Eurgiga
Posted on February 21st, 2014 02:31 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 967 times


A massive (250+) block long single structure, this is a pure display piece. It has no practical function other than to look really, really cool. Includes small fighters, bombers, and dropships in its hangarbay for copy/pasting ease around any space battle you'd like to set up. Most of it is mobproof, but it will require other mob suppression (worldedit regions or a creative map) to stay mobfree (I suggest this if you want people to tour it).

Built on the Project Genesis server ( in the Creative map. You can log in and go directly to the Creative map to tour the ship (includes flight!).

Q. What are the glass panes behind the fighters for?
A: I used glass panes to represent directional particle thrust from engines. You can see this on the harrier-like downward thrust on deploying fighters as well as the rear engine thrust on all support craft.

Q: Why is (room) closed off?
A: The ship is built in 'battle mode'- i.e., all blast doors to the hangar are shut, flight deck doors are in the process of opening. I'll be working on an alternate version soon with all the interior doors open.

Q: Can I use this?
A: That's why it's here. Please give credit where it's due (I.E. put my name on it somewhere).

As with all my pieces, there are gold blocks at the corners of the WorldEdit box to assist in easy moving once you've placed it. Be sure to remove them when you're done.

Other Creations From Eurgiga

HMS Luna Dreadnought
Sentry-Class Light Destroyer

Comments (1)

Hey bro, I have a offer for you in my server :D
Add me, you will love :p
Skype: theoldtribos
  by The1Old
on March 26th, 2014 02:55 PM EST

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