Fk. Pz. Pfeil

Rated 3.8 from 7 votes
Category Redstone
Theme Modern
Size Small
File Format .schematic
Submitted by GameBreaker
Posted on September 28th, 2013 06:18 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 127 times


Length 18 Width 7 Height 7


Flak Panzer "Pfeil" Prototyp-Ausf. 1.

This compact anti-mob vehicle was developed in mid-2012 as a response to the ever-present annoyance of Slimes and other unwanted mobs in Superflat worlds. One prototype of the weapon was produced with another variant, and was later mounted onto a mobile platform. It passed trials successfully in early 2013 but was never mass-produced.

Anti-Air / Anti-Infantry Flak Motor Carriage vehicle, Redstone and TNT powered.

Place 2 to 5 TNT blocks on the firing platform. The Top block must have a TNT block in place otherwise the arrows will not fire properly. The botton block must also have a TNT block placed there so that the arrows will be in a "falling" state before firing.

Maximum forward arrow range is estimated at 90-100 blocks.

Schematic contains Blast protective armor, two double chests of arrows and two chests of TNT.

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