Latest Comments, page 1300

Amazing Spawn - Treefall

Amazing Spawn - Treefall

by warpathcraft
on August 4th, 2013 04:31 PM EST
Amazing Spawn - Treefall

Amazing Spawn - Treefall

Jellephant: Sure.
by warpathcraft
on August 4th, 2013 04:31 PM EST
Family House | 1.6.2

Family House | 1.6.2

Great work, you're the best Goldeneye33
by pathetique78
on August 4th, 2013 03:19 PM EST
Family House #2 | 1.6.2

Family House #2 | 1.6.2

I love all of your creations Goldeneye :)
by pathetique78
on August 4th, 2013 03:17 PM EST
Schematic #1024

Schematic #1024

This looks great im jsmurray2 and was wondering if i could use this schematic for a totally nonprofit server im making that will showcase cool builds i will credit you and everything please reply
by jsmurray2
on August 4th, 2013 02:51 PM EST
Schematic #1078

Schematic #1078

how do i edit my description? once i know i will do it
by theoneoverthere01
on August 4th, 2013 06:22 AM EST
Amazing Spawn - Treefall

Amazing Spawn - Treefall

Could I put this in a server with your name
by Jellephant
on August 3rd, 2013 11:14 PM EST
EPIC 8 level Maze

EPIC 8 level Maze

Could I use this in a server with your name in credit
by Jellephant
on August 3rd, 2013 11:02 PM EST
Self-Building/Repairing House

Self-Building/Repairing House

That Looks EPIC!
by zman1
on August 3rd, 2013 03:06 PM EST
Castle House

Castle House

Why is it a BOAT?! It should be in the castles category!
by zman1
on August 3rd, 2013 01:49 PM EST
space lab

space lab

yes please add more info
by zman1
on August 3rd, 2013 01:25 PM EST
Cascade City

Cascade City

I love this build! I downloaded this to test the capabilitys of the citizens plugin, took the npc orever but it wastruly magnificent!I love this! :D great work!
by MegaCheesyPi
on August 3rd, 2013 12:33 PM EST
Schematic #1061

Schematic #1061

I remove immediatly this schematic. BossModz8 I do hope that it is the only one schematic that is stolen in the schematics that you have uploaded recently.
by Endimmion
on August 3rd, 2013 12:10 PM EST
Schematic #1061

Schematic #1061

Well precisely , MY build, but yeah Clifton, I agree. you've uploaded from my permission-- Remove this, or I will report this under build theft.
by Kenofox
on August 3rd, 2013 11:59 AM EST
Schematic #1061

Schematic #1061

This is my build, check the real one here @
Please remove this.
by Clifton
on August 3rd, 2013 11:57 AM EST
Schematic #267

Schematic #267

This is the wrong schematic, it appears to be a copy of your Flavium - Mob Arena
by Dhund
on August 2nd, 2013 05:46 PM EST
Modern House #2

Modern House #2

Thank you! I will upload 10 more Modern Houses, I hope you also like the other Houses. But it takes a few Days untill all Houses are uploaded.
by DaxesMC
on August 2nd, 2013 03:10 PM EST
Modern House #2

Modern House #2

nice job bro :) looks great
by BossModz8
on August 2nd, 2013 03:08 PM EST
Modern Large Foresty House

Modern Large Foresty House

looks good :)
by BossModz8
on August 2nd, 2013 02:25 PM EST
Avenged Sevenfold Logo - By Cybersneeze

Avenged Sevenfold Logo - By Cybersneeze

by DRazor_Blades
on August 2nd, 2013 12:15 PM EST