Hello!!, I'm sorry but even if I upload the litematica file with the element classifier already configured when downloading it, it will not continue to be configured. To configure the element classifier you have to put a block from which you want filters and the rest in the hopper in front of the comparator. of the slot machines some renowned element. In front of the chests there are frames with the block that needs to be filtered.
3.5M capacity item sorter on October 22nd, 2023 08:29 PM EST
Thank you very much for your feedback, I had no idea about that little compile bug because it occurred to me in creative mode and I didn't bother to test it.
decorated item sorter by MaxoGames on August 8th, 2023 08:19 PM EST
Hola, La granja es buena solo que tambien puede a lleguar a spawnear arañas y por lo tanto no producira la misma cantidad de polvora ya que los mobs a spawnear seran arañas y creepers. La idea esta en que solo spawneen creepers para un mayor loot
shulkercraft gunpowder farm on January 6th, 2023 12:08 AM EST