decorated item sorter by MaxoGames

Category Miscellaneous
Theme Ancient
Size Large
File Format .litematic
Submitted by maxogames
Posted on July 28th, 2023 04:30 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 1171 times


El diseño original es de axplix_ yo solo lo lo decoré y modifique el sistema un poco.
Recomiendo realizar estas granjas para facilitar la obtención de materiales:
granja de piedra y basalto
tree farm
granja de guardianes
hornos industriales
Los artículos que quieras depositar deben ser arrojados por el chorro de agua en el centro que tiene 3 letreros de madera distorsionados. El elemento clasificador aún no está configurado.

The original design is by axplix_ I just decorated it and modified the system a bit.
I recommend doing these farms to make it easier to get materials:
stone and basalt farm
tree farm
guardian farm
industrial furnace
The items you want to deposit must be thrown by the water jet in the center that has 3 distorted wooden signs. The classifier element is not yet configured.

Other Creations From maxogames

item sorter for 512 different items
automatic villager farm with separator
3.5M capacity item sorter
Emerald Mansion

Comments (5)

which hopper to i put the items i want to sort in?
  by itzfelle
on October 14th, 2024 08:01 AM EST
does it come configured?
  by Tayson19
on February 25th, 2024 12:05 PM EST
I honestly like the style and design its very slick and i like the deepslate combined with blackstone. But i found some design flaws like the brick wall next to the water , the blocks like to get stuck there and some other water mechanism flaws but in the end its too nice. I've built this twice now i can recomend it. I dont know how it's not on 4 stars   by onlymakoto
on August 2nd, 2023 04:08 PM EST

Thank you very much for your feedback, I had no idea about that little compile bug because it occurred to me in creative mode and I didn't bother to test it.
  by maxogames
on August 8th, 2023 08:19 PM EST

which hopper to i put the items i want to sort in?
  by itzfelle
on October 14th, 2024 08:08 AM EST

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