
Hello and Welcome
Minecraft is one of my most favorite games ever made. I love to build all sorts of things, from Houses to Mini Games.

I own a website that I host my builds on because it's easier to update on there and I know that if a site removes my build/builds without warning, It's still available to get.
Your voice has been heard. On all the build posts I created on here now have two types of titles in the description.

WARNING This is a paid download
WARNING This is an open price donation download

A lot of visitors have been complaining about how my system works on my website. So on all pages with a map/schematics, I created here, I will have these two titles and extra information with it.
Open Price is a donation system that will ask for example $5 upfront but if you do not wish to donate or want to change it higher or lower you can. Make it free is $0 before you add to cart.

Unfortunately that owning a website costs money to keep it online. Therefore I sell some of my builds just to keep the site running. Some of you find that a horrible idea but you need to know that server hosting is not cheap. It's one of the reasons why I fully support ads running on this site.

I have full permission to have some of my builds as a paywall on Minecraft Schematics website. From the agreed terms discussed with the admin of this site. I didn't need to add this information in the description but I did it anyway.
This doesn't mean you can copy and do the exact same thing.

So some time ago I was even confronted by the owner of this site and the owner said I can keep the posts on here but I must stay at a 50/50 or more free and I plan to follow his rules he set for me!

If you have any questions you can send me a message here or contact me at any of these places:

Discord: DestructiveBurn#9396

Go to the shop now!


Member since December 7th, 2016
Last visit December 28th, 2024
Creation(s) 50
Comment(s) 62

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Thank you for your comment! I know this topic can bring up strong feelings. If you have specific thoughts or questions about the build, I’d love to hear them. I appreciate your engagement!
Abadorian Powered Clock Tower Redux on December 28th, 2024 04:03 PM EST
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I understand that not everyone may see the value in paid content. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to share! Your input is always welcome.
Abadorian Powered Clock Tower Redux on December 28th, 2024 04:02 PM EST
I appreciate your feedback! I'm glad you think the build is awesome. I understand the concerns and have fixed all my build descriptions.
Abadorian Powered Clock Tower Redux on December 28th, 2024 04:02 PM EST