The Cubagon

Category Miscellaneous
Theme Other
Size Large
File Format .schematic
Submitted by globecollector
Posted on November 24th, 2016 05:02 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 110 times


This freestyle structure was built in an attempt to see how Dodecahedrons could be incorporated into rectilinear Minecraft structures. Apart from this it has no real purpose...
maybe you can find one for it?

Other Creations From globecollector

Australian Pub with Accommodation Block
Two Tier UFO
Philips Gebow (Building) VB c1990
Splendor Lamp Plant (Gloeilampenfabrik)

Comments (4)

Unfortunately I do not have access to a You Tube log in and password.

I will try to look at some of your posted builds when I get the time, I am about to move house and will be VERY BUSY for the next few months.

Malheureusement, je n'ai pas accès à un login et un mot de passe You Tube.

   Je vais essayer de regarder quelques-unes de vos builds publiés quand j'ai le temps, je suis sur le point de déménager et sera très occupé pour les prochains mois.
  by globecollector
on November 26th, 2016 02:21 AM EST
I think we all have our own styles...that is what makes us unique....and our creations too! But I love the idea that we can share our works in this manner on sites such as this!

Je pense que nous avons tous nos propres styles ... c'est ce qui nous rend unique .... et nos créations aussi! Mais j'adore l'idée que nous puissions partager nos œuvres de cette manière sur des sites comme celui-ci!
  by globecollector
on November 25th, 2016 08:16 AM EST

I totally agree, this construction is quite mathematical and the rest of your constructions are quite original to please me.
MineCraft is a sandbox game, but when I see constructions like Art pixels, or computer parts I have eyes that sting ...
Is it or the challenge of the original construction?
It's been a while since I posted more constructions, there I am on a good project kind BIG underwater base.
It would take one of its four I post the Spawn structure of a server (StarBuck Land 2.0) that I helped build.

Would you have a YouTube channel?


Je suis totalement d'accord, cette construction est assez mathématique et le reste de tes constructions sont assez originales pour me plaire.
MineCraft est un jeu bac à sable, mais quand je vois des constructions comme des pixels Art, ou des pièces d’ordinateurs j’ai les yeux qui piquent …
Il est ou le défi de la construction originale ?
Ça fait un moment que je n’ai plus posté des constructions, là je suis sur un bon projet genre BIG base sous-marine.
Il faudrait qu’un de ses quatre je poste la structure du Spawn d’un serveur ( StarBuck Land 2.0 ) que j’ai aidé à construire.

Aurais-tu une chaine YouTube ?

  by Guadalia
on November 25th, 2016 05:26 PM EST
Not certain to leave on a kind of constructions like that, I prefer the circles and the elipses.
But otherwise it's not that bad.

Pas certain de partir sur un genre de constructions comme ça, je prefere les cercles et les elipses.
Mais sinon c'est pas si mal que ça.
  by Guadalia
on November 25th, 2016 04:36 AM EST

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