Train Station for the Nether - Automated

Category Redstone
Theme Other
Size Small
File Format .schematic
Submitted by RADdoc
Posted on September 27th, 2014 01:08 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 242 times


This is the NETHER version of my automated Train Station. It is completely encased in Obsidian, and there is a portal integrated into it. I made obsidian tunnels for the tracks from one station to another. As the Nether is an 8:1 ratio with the overworld, we use the Nether to travel from one map to another.

Look at my Train Station for more detail about the workings of the station, but summary is: automated departure, arrival, minecart break and setup.... Also - 4-way selector that shifts the track to go the direction you chose, and "de-selects" everything when you leave the station.

As with the regular Station, when you are facing the Selector, you MUST be facing SOUTH; otherwise, the "physics" don't work.

Other Creations From RADdoc

Train Station - Automated
Automated Gate - Day/Night, Castle/Wall

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