Category | Redstone |
Theme | Other |
Size | Large |
File Format | .litematic |
Submitted by | thundercuck9000 |
Posted on | April 9th, 2024 10:15 AM EST |
Download(s) | Has been downloaded 2354 times |
Gold Farm by Gnembon:
Gold nugget to gold ingot to gold block auto crafter by Mumbo Jumbo:
Highly efficient gold farm with auto-crafting system that turns nuggets into gold blocks as well as 3 chests for ingot loot drops and garbage disposal for unwanted loot (flesh, swords). Intended to be used with a looting sword for max drops but there is an AFK platform if you would rather that. I have build this entire farm in survival and tested that it's working.
For Java, built in 1.20.4.
Important Notes:
- Make sure you build this above bedrock. Your Y level should be 154 when standing on the shroomlight platform at the bottom and the schematic should be at Y 153
- To change between using looting and using the AFK platform, press the button to the right of the mob drop platform (where the red sand is)
- Build this in nether wastes, above a lava lake. If mobs are still spawning below the bedrock when you're using the AFK platform, you will need to remove the areas they are spawning in to ensure highest mob rates
- If you plan to make a barter farm, find a nether wastes near a crimson forest as barter farms need to be in a crimson forest.
- The grindstones can be facing up or down but not side to side as piglins will get stuck on them otherwise.
- The auto-crafting system can be built layer by layer as per the schematic, but ensure the back 3 crafters have all of their slots selected. This ensures that the target blocks are powered in front of them.
- Ensure the top hopper of the auto sorting system has overflow protection: 41 gold nuggets/ingots in the first slot and 1 named item in the other 4 slots. 7 of the first hoppers should be for nuggets and the last 3 for gold ingots.
- You can build the gold farm layer by layer, but you will need to follow gnembon's guide in the video linked above for placing the hopper minecarts. It looks way more intimidating than it is, but it's pretty forgiving. Skip to 28:15 for the specific part.
- For your own sanity, wear frost walker boots when doing the magma block layers. It stops you from taking damage.