Unstackable item sorter

Category Redstone
Theme Other
Size Small
File Format .litematic
Submitted by Raistlin73
Posted on October 4th, 2023 11:14 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 283 times


Unstackables sorter:
I have put together a multitude of unstackable sorters together to be used in a storage system. The main sorters were designed by others and I added or adjusted some to work together. This has been tested in 1.20.1 Majority of these sorters were designed to work for earlier versions.
Credits to sorter creators below.

Items Sorted:
Potions and water bottles, Books, Music Discs, Shulker Boxes, Boats, Minecarts, Flint & Steel, Sheers, Lava/Water/Snow Buckets, Armor.

Does not support Fish in a bucket. This will kill fish and give you a water bucket in return.
Noticed occasionally lava buckets end up in Flint/Shear output about 1 out of 9. Adjusted timings to make it less frequent.
Use at own discretion.

Book,Shulker,Music Disc,Potion, Armour Boat and minecart sorters design by SweatybotWins https://www.youtube.com/@sweatybotwins3150
Flint & steel, Shear sorter design by Rays Works. https://www.youtube.com/@RaysWorks

Other Creations From Raistlin73

Dungeon Maze
Smaller Unstackable sorter
Dungeon Maze2

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