Dungeon Maze2

Category Miscellaneous
Theme Other
Size Large
File Format .litematic
Submitted by Raistlin73
Posted on January 26th, 2023 06:54 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 252 times


Length 133 Width 127 Height 14 67139 blocks


This is my second attempt at a dungeon maze. This one is only 2m wide pathing and 4m tall walls.
It has 5 spawners, 1 infinity room trap, 1 lava trap. You need to deposit 1 item in the barrel in at least 2 rooms for the exit to open. Hunt down the buttons to open the spawner rooms.
You can step on the plate at the entrance to gear you out for the run and just a little further in is a chest to retrieve your items if you died in the lava trap.
There is no loot chests in this one you will a have to add your own if you like.
There is also controls on the front of the maze to turn on and off the Spawners as well as a button to reset the exit door.

Have fun and enjoy. Feel free to leave feedback. negative or positive so i know what i am doing right or wrong.

Other Creations From Raistlin73

Smaller Unstackable sorter
Dungeon Maze
Unstackable item sorter

Comments (2)

So I downloaded this, and I just finished the redstone layers, and am starting the main floor. You have no signs anywhere telling us what to put in any hoppers that will trigger the observers. The items inside of hoppers or droppers don't transfer over with the schematic. I hope you answer me, so I can have this maze on my server.   by Maveric215
on December 12th, 2023 06:42 AM EST

Hi Maveric215,

The signs were set on top of the barrels. you can add a note to them to what needs to drop into the barrel.
There is no item filter for the hoppers. I left it so any item can be dropped in.
If you like you can make a simple item filter to set any specific item you need to trigger the exit to open.

Here is a pic of a simple item filter you can add to the hopperhttps://ibb.co/tC0p1xP
Please make sure you add the Redstone torch under the hopper on the block in front of the repeater. This will lock the hipper filter.
also note there is a second comparator to stop bud powering of the piston.

In the hopper add the below
slot 1: 3 of the items you want to set as the key
slot 2: 1 filler item. (Best to rename an item)
slot 3: 6 filter items
slot 4: 6 filter items
slot 5: 6 filter items

Hope this helps. let me know if you have further issues.
  by Raistlin73
on December 12th, 2023 06:24 PM EST

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