MK1 Heavy Scattershot Turret with Adjustable Range for Movecraft [1.12]

Category Redstone
Theme Futurist
Size Small
Submitted by Krys01
Posted on April 16th, 2023 08:59 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 89 times


This turret is suitable for mounting on large-sized vessels.

I made this turret back in 2016, so it is very outdated and large by current standards. It was my first attempt to modify Bacca's CST. (Newest model (MK3) works much better).

- Turret shoots 24 projectiles up to 200 blocks, has 18 propellant dispensers in total.
- Turret can be rotated via Movecraft plugin.

Other Creations From Krys01

[WCA] MK2 Light Gunboat For Movecraft
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