(Ed Koch) Queensboro Bridge

Category Miscellaneous
Theme Other
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by ronman101
Posted on May 14th, 2019 10:13 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 474 times


Length 616 Width 36 Height 59 1310508 blocks Relative height to paste: 0 block


The Queensboro Bridge, also known as the 59th Street Bridge ā€“ because its Manhattan end is located between 59th and 60th Streets ā€“ and officially titled the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge. Opened in 1909, this cantilever truss bridge between Manhattan & Queens allows bikes & pedestrians. It spans across Roosevelt Island in the middle of the East River.
The Schematic only includes the Truss Bridge section. No River, No Island, No Land, and No Ramps. I did this so that you can import it into your own New York World without having my world part of yours this time.

I build this out of White, Grey, and Black Terracotta, along with some Brick and Quartz blocks. This wonderful New York Bridge is an exciting addition to my Bridge world. This is my 5 block span version and is the smallest that I could make it without it losing its look and style (My 10 block version is a monster).
As usual, I want to thank all of you for downloading and voting for another personnel masterpiece. Iā€™m happy to share this with you all, it was a lot of fun building this bridge.

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