Intel H77-V (ASUS)

Rated 3.2 from 7 votes
Category Pixel Art
Theme Modern
Size Huge
File Format .schematic
Submitted by MatthewStevenGo
Posted on September 28th, 2017 01:33 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 56 times


Length 150 Width 108 Height 21


Just created this for pixel art. Apologies if I did this same genre again.

1. In case you feel like you find one of my related schematics like this are boring, I HIGHLY suggest that you leave the rating alone (by not giving me cancerous stars, seriously) so as not to poke me into frustration, lest you are aimlessly downvoting my hard works, as doing so would make anyone think you may have low IQ and poor judgment.*
2. Please pay extra attention to the category which defines this schematic, so as to prevent confusion.*
3. If you think you are an educated person, at least you know how to read?
4. Please, don't mistake this as a real product to buy! This is just Pixel Art!
5. Importantly, please observe the general rating ethics.*
6. Credit me for my creativity.

I hope you found my above advice helpful for you.

Anyway, you may use this map for survival game map. :)


Other Creations From MatthewStevenGo

Intel H170-Pro4 (ASRock)
Townhouse compound (condensed version)
ASUS GPU Tweak logo

Comments (8)

I will be posting the reduxed version of this schematic, as I thought it as if it is epic fail due to lack of a bit of detail.

Anyway, who are the noobs that messes my schematics like this with 0 stars?
  by MatthewStevenGo
on February 26th, 2018 05:19 PM EST
You uneducated yokels do not know what you are doing... ;_;

Waiting for the 0 star spammers to be severely lectured until....
  by MatthewStevenGo
on October 16th, 2017 02:18 AM EST

Nvm. The saltiest ratings have been removed.
  by MatthewStevenGo
on December 20th, 2017 09:06 AM EST
Why did this receive 0 star? This is not cool, seriously. Putting my schematics into the gutter, are you ashamed of yourself doing this?!   by MatthewStevenGo
on October 13th, 2017 05:19 AM EST
in essence what you are saying is stop picking on me. maybe people are annoyed with your spamming the same schematics daily or weekly. Think of others and maybe they'll be sympathetic to you. peace to you. i hope this helps.
  by lordolaf
on September 30th, 2017 08:33 AM EST

Sure. :)
  by MatthewStevenGo
on September 30th, 2017 11:07 PM EST
Thanks for those who raised my morale in this website. :)   by MatthewStevenGo
on September 30th, 2017 04:18 AM EST
Spamming 0 stars on schemstics is fun but you will be intensifying the consequences for doing so.

Seriously, it is not cool, as this can put the schematics into a ruin.
  by MatthewStevenGo
on September 28th, 2017 04:58 PM EST

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