Intel Z77 MPOWER (MSI)

Rated 3.3 from 3 votes
Category Pixel Art
Theme Modern
Size Huge
File Format .schematic
Submitted by MatthewStevenGo
Posted on September 9th, 2017 05:30 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 30 times


Length 120 Width 150 Height 32


Just recreated this in Minecraft

=========================== READ BEFORE RATING ===========================

Seeing that I received the low ratings on my and other's best schematics with little to no reason given, I feel it is utterly dumbfounding that many people who ruined the schematic's rating (or score) did NOT know what art looks like when it comes to Pixel Art or anything. From this time on, low ratings (3< stars) are STRICTLY PROHIBITED AT ALL TIMES (IMPORTANT!) as there are multiple users who spammed 0 or 0.5 stars on many schematics in this site that are not yet banned for abusing the 0 star feature. God forbid, that there are serial 0 star spammers that abound this site, needlessly ruining the scores of the schematics. For anyone caught rating 0 stars for no reason, prepare to be sued by some owners of the schematics to be banned for doing this without reason. Additionally, the allowed star is 3.5 stars and above, to be implemented for my schematics and the other's schematics. For those who rated 0 stars on my pixel-art related schematics like this, you do not know what you are doing when you do so, as you should know that pixel art can be a form of 3D and/or flat, based from the player's artistic talent. The ones like the above render is what I have built for my creation, NOT for advertising. You have been warned. Just please......FOR THE LAST TIME.......FOR THE LOVE OF GOD....... quit down-voting many schematics too frequently that are of hard work. Needless to say, this is the final warning.

The following disallowed ratings on this schematic are here:
= 3.0 stars
= 2.5 stars
= 2.0 stars
= 1.5 stars
= 1.0 stars (most abused against the best schematics)
= 0.5 stars (most abused against the best schematics)
= 0.0 stars (most abused against the best schematics and, God forbid, the most cancerous of all ratings)

If you think you are an educated person, at least you know how to read?

*Take this as the final warning for the 0 star spammers. This is the final and strict warning for those who spam bad ratings for no good reason. Any further 0 stars being given for no reason will result to that rating being cleaned out by admins/moderators without warning. (No joke or pun intended) I will also have to screenshot the unwanted 0-1 star spam and then send to Minecraft Schematic's Twitter site so there will be no serial 0 star spammers.

For the uneducated people who CONSTANTLY SPAMS 0 stars, let me tell you this: Just because of the repetitive subject matter DOES NOT mean you must give 0 stars on these kind of schemstics. You must respect its score, and do not frequently downvote many schematic just because of this, and if you do, you will suffer the consequences later on.

This is the end of the rage against serial 0 star spammers that abound this site.

In other words, please REFRAIN from downvoting many schematics for no reason in multiple successions. You have to give at least a consideration.

- MatthewStevenGo

Other Creations From MatthewStevenGo

Intel Z370-P PRIME (ASUS)
ATI Radeon X1600 XT 256MB GDDR3 (Gigabyte)
Intel N3150I-C (ASUS)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 (OC Edition) (ASUS)

Comments (1)

CRAP! Did anyoje read the advisory warning?! I am going to sue yo guys for the abuse of 0 star.   by MatthewStevenGo
on September 9th, 2017 05:42 PM EST

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