I posted the OP's video. This is just the .schematic file to make it easier to replicate.
Cobblestone Generator + on May 26th, 2019 07:39 AM EST
You have to use mods; cannot be used in vanilla survival :/
Blaze Grinder on September 30th, 2018 06:31 AM EST
This isn't working in 1.12.2 for me. I have checked the build several times against the schematic. One thing, the dirt isn't in place until I pull the lever. The crushers don't work/start until after I turn the lever back off, and they only go in one block (sometimes sticking in place).
Elykdez's Timbercutter (Semi-Auto Tree Farm) on September 26th, 2018 11:38 AM EST
SpruceTree on September 22nd, 2018 07:53 AM EST
I am doing this now and the cobblestone is regenerating, but it isn't going into the chest. Yes, there are three hoppers below connected to each other and the chest.
Cobblestone Generator on September 16th, 2018 01:31 PM EST
Obsidian is the result of lava and water, is it not? What is the overall mechanic of generating this stone? Do I need to mine the cobble in the middle?
Cobblestone Generator on September 16th, 2018 11:32 AM EST
I removed the water (leaving the lava) and then re-added it; nothing changed.
Cobblestone Generator on September 16th, 2018 11:27 AM EST
Fire spreads to wood columns in the fireplace. Put obsidian on each side of flames to prevent spreading.
Layered House on September 16th, 2018 10:54 AM EST
Cobblestone Generator on September 16th, 2018 10:32 AM EST
I built it layer by layer in the schematic. I placed one pail of water on level one and another pail on level 2 or 3 I think, but it lines up in the schematic. So, everything is like your model.
Cobblestone Generator on September 16th, 2018 10:15 AM EST
How to generate the cobblestone? Nothing is happening automatically.
Cobblestone Generator on September 16th, 2018 09:28 AM EST
The accompanying video link should explain where and how to build the schematic.
If you're going to leave a low rating, please comment as to why so I can work on fixing it.
Right now I know the wither spawn rates aren't that great, even when built in the intersections of the nether, as outlined, and removing many surrounding blocks (down to bedrock)
Wither Mob Farm_Sweeper II on September 16th, 2018 08:55 AM EST
Rated low b/c you didn't build the schematic and take a picture; you just took a picture of a schematic.
Wooden house with terraces on September 14th, 2018 09:55 AM EST
If you give a low rating, please leave a comment as to why.
Fireworks Dispensers on September 13th, 2018 08:40 AM EST
Have built this design in a world before. There isn't any item catching system; why?
X-Farm Mob Farm on September 3rd, 2018 06:48 AM EST
Ghast Farm on September 3rd, 2018 06:38 AM EST
Got it to work after taking the water off the grass area and just letting the water gate flood the grass on tripwire. Still, not good for survival.
The Meat Factory on September 2nd, 2018 07:35 AM EST
First, it uses spawners, which aren't readily available in survival. Next, the spawners don't spawn when covered with water, but the water is required for flow to lava. This machine isn't completed.
The Meat Factory on September 2nd, 2018 07:14 AM EST
Cannot get spawn iron golem egg, even with this command: /give @p minecraft:spawn_egg 1 99
Iron Golem Grinder on September 1st, 2018 02:15 PM EST
I am at 64x5 (max) in the hopper timers and the reeds still aren't fully growing.
Sugar can factory on September 1st, 2018 09:54 AM EST
BTW, here's Mumbo Jumbo's version: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Sugar_cane_farming#Hopper_Timer
Sugar can factory on September 1st, 2018 09:30 AM EST
Some part of the block doesn't light up. There could've been an issue in placing the schematic, but I'm not sure.
Flashing lamps on September 1st, 2018 08:31 AM EST
There isn't much sugar cane growing in the 128 ticks. Should I increase this? How to count it without trial-and-error?
Sugar can factory on September 1st, 2018 08:26 AM EST
Here is one of them: http://my.jetscreenshot.com/29593/20180901-by0r-86kb
The farm is working for me; success. This design can be stacked, but recommend to follow schematic with alternating patterns.
Sugar can factory on September 1st, 2018 07:58 AM EST
There is a hopper-timer on each side that seems to need to be set to 128, which I'm assuming is the sugar cane's growth time.
I don't see why this isn't being done with observer blocks instead; this way is cheaper in survival tho.
Sugar can factory on September 1st, 2018 07:37 AM EST
Works in 1.12.2 server with Forge and Crafbukkit and Essentials on
Simple AFK Fishing Farm on September 1st, 2018 07:07 AM EST
Got the farm to work after making some manual modifications to the top circuitry. Could use some work.
Mob farm on September 1st, 2018 07:06 AM EST
Got the guardians spawning after rebuilding this at a monument location (hollowing out with sand first down to block 3). The guardians just fall down to the platform where the hoppers/trap doors are, but they don't drop anything or die on the way down.
1.13 Guardian Farm on August 30th, 2018 01:07 PM EST
Doesn't work for any mobs or cows I've built this in 3 worlds already with monsters and animals enabled.
Crazy Cow Farm on August 30th, 2018 08:58 AM EST
How to get the guardian to spawn/water to surround the magma block chamber?
1.13 Guardian Farm on August 30th, 2018 08:29 AM EST
Does this need to be installed at a monument or ruin in order for guardian to spawn?
1.13 Guardian Farm on August 30th, 2018 07:31 AM EST
Cannot get timers to work at top. Everything else seems great.
ENV: plotsquared server (local) with MV, bukkit, Essentials, etc. installed.
DISCORD: Tyler#7466 if you want to help me https://discord.gg/2rdxrQR
Mob farm on August 27th, 2018 01:47 PM EST