hello i hadnt sooner time but i think you find the solution in the video
if you still dont are able to load the schematic i can try to make a new schematic for you
strange thing is for most ppl its working its only a few that run into this problem
let me know if this works for you
playershops legocraftnetwork on March 31st, 2021 04:11 PM EST
waht does not work ? the storage you put in blocks on the top and to end up in the bottum chest if you want a sorting system you have to make it yourself as the dicription states it was use witha plugin so that is evrywhere diffrent.
if the schematic is not working for you maybe wrong version or u are using maybe litematic that has some issue's with worldedit schematics..
just a guess since your not telling WHAT s not working for YOU
Storage silo Euromast Rotterdam on March 23rd, 2021 09:08 AM EST
whats not working let me guess your using litematic its a world editschematic and its a building so what can not work with it ... i have amny downloads on many websites of the schematic and its working fine ..
playershops legocraftnetwork on March 21st, 2021 06:37 AM EST