S-Shaped House - Furnished

Category Houses And Shops
Theme Modern
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by Doktor_Bauhaus
Posted on July 25th, 2013 02:08 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 449 times


Guten Tag,
This simple Bauhaus home strikes a balance between practicality and spaciousness, with its efficient bedrooms and generous living spaces. Must be comfy - within 20 minutes of placing in my world, villagers had moved in.
This was created within Minecraft 1.5.2 using the 1.5.2 versions of Jammy Furniture mod, Furniture Mod 2.8.4 and Carpenter's Slope mod - so if you've upgraded past Minecraft 1.5.2, you may want to use the "Unfurnished" version, otherwise the 1.5.2 furniture mods may render badly.
Sink one block into ground to match floor level with ground level.
- Herr Dr. Bauhaus

Other Creations From Doktor_Bauhaus

S-Shaped House - Unfurnished

Comments (4)

Great house! I put it on our house plot section of our server.


Check it out:
  by Savvon
on October 3rd, 2013 09:22 PM EST
Ich nehme mal an du bist deutsch, daher in deutsch. Also ich nutze keinen dieser Mods, demnach fehlen mir auch alle Einrichtungen ect. Wände sind nicht richtig geschlossen/gebaut, die Treppe ist nicht schlüssig nach oben und joar. Schöner wäre es wenn es ohne Mods gebaut wäre und fertig eingerichtet sodass es auch Leute sehen können "ohne" diese Mods. Daher Sternabzug ;)   by DaxesMC
on August 23rd, 2013 03:57 PM EST

Couldn't get the full effect of the furniture, but that was due to a couple of the furniture mods not being updated for Minecraft 1.6.2 yet.

But, still a cool bau haus. ;-)
  by nielsjl
on August 1st, 2013 05:32 PM EST
love it   by regulardaytv
on July 28th, 2013 09:24 AM EST

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