VUKOWAR waterTower

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Category Towers
Theme Modern
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File Format .schematic
Submitted by santy
Posted on April 16th, 2017 04:21 AM EST
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Vukovar water tower
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vukovar water tower (Croatian: Vukovarski vodotoranj) is a water tower in the Croatian city of Vukovar. It is one of the most famous symbols of Vukovar and the suffering of the city and the country in the Battle of Vukovar and the Croatian War of Independence, when the water tower and the city itself were largely destroyed by the Serbian forces.

The water tower was designed by the company Plan and built by Hidrotehna Zagreb, in the late 1960s. It was built in a city park, popularly known as Najpar-bašća, in the district of Mitnica.

Until the war, the top of the tower was home to a restaurant with a view over Vukovar, Dunav and surrounding vineyards.

During the Battle of Vukovar, the water tower was one of the most frequent targets of artillery. It was hit more than 600 times during the siege.

General information
Status Heavily damaged
Type Water tower
Location Vukovar, Croatia
Coordinates 45.3440°N 19.0122°E
Completed 1968
Height 50.3 m (165 ft)
Technical details
Floor area 2200 m3 water
Design and construction
Architect Plan d.o.o.
Main contractor Hidrotehna Zagreb d.o.o.

Vukovarski vodotoranj je građevina u Vukovaru, u Hrvatskoj, simbol stradanja i otpora grada.

Vukovarski vodotoranj, vodosprema visoka 50 m izgrađena 1968. u Vukovaru. Do 1991. služio je za spremanje i pričuvu vode u sklopu gradske vodovodne mreže. U jesen 1991. pretrpio je znatna oštećenja tokom Vukovarske bitke, ne povrativši nikad svoju primarnu funkciju. Nakon završetka rata u Hrvatskoj odlučeno je da se u zatečenom stanju konzervira kao autentičan spomenik ratnog razaranja grada. Od 2009. zaštićen je kao kulturno dobro.

Vodotoranj u Domovinskome ratu

Godine 1991. vodotoranj su, tijekom bitke za Vukovar, teško oštetile srpske snage. Bio je pogođen s više od 600 neprijateljskih projektila i postao je simbol stradanja i otpora toga grada.[3] Tijekom opsade grada, tada 23-godišnji, Ivica Ivanika s Mitnice prvi je stavio te je uvijek iznova, pod granatama, na vodotoranj dizao hrvatsku zastavu, a kasnije je s njim išao i Hrvoje Džalto.

Other Creations From santy

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Comments (2)

cringe   by Djolanderr
on August 25th, 2021 01:44 PM EST
If you post something like this then use the real name of the city in the title, because it is not Vukowar its Vukovar.

And if you want to say something in the description don't copy-paste it from Wikipedia.

And under theme you can't say its modern when it's obviously not modern if it's built in 1968.

I molim te makni za dom spremni sliku prijavit ce te netko....
  by Daadicaa
on April 26th, 2017 08:22 AM EST

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