Emergency door

Rated 3.3 from 5 votes
Category Redstone
Theme Other
Size Small
File Format .schematic
Submitted by onefairy38
Posted on February 24th, 2017 02:52 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 225 times


Length 7 Width 12 Height 9


the trappedoor is opening then close after a short time but if you use bow and arrow on the button the trappedoor can't be open a second time as long as the arrow is on the button so if you use an infinit bow the arrow dispawn after a long time

la trappe s'ouvre puis se referme après un court instant mais si on utilise un arc et une flèche le bouton reste enfoncé et ne peut pas être rouvert tant que la flèche n'est pas récupéré (ou dispawn si il s'agit d'un arc infinité

Other Creations From onefairy38

switch with 2 lever
circular opening
caravel (sail unfolded) strange

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