
Rated 4.1 from 15 votes
Category Miscellaneous
Theme Other
Size Huge
File Format .schematic
Submitted by LordMaverick
Posted on December 23rd, 2016 02:31 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 300 times


Length 210 Width 106 Height 70 779100 blocks


Built this about 2 years ago on my server. Wanted to share with everyone and give back in return. I took a picture from a google search of Plantations and recreated it on minecraft. The original image is the plantation located in Louisiana. Hope i did it justice. A few rooms decorated but since i dont know what the inside looks like i didnt have a real idea as to what to make. Feel free to edit the inside how you would like. Feel free to paste this on your server.

Huge farm plots for whichever type of crop you wish to grow.
Large animal pens for keeping your animals safe and fenced in.
near perfect lighting to keep monsters from spawning
large tree farm with different tree types
windmill for processing wheat *decoration only*
large fence area to keep mobs and unwanted visitors out
single door way with redstone switch to open and close at lever pull

Large eating area to accommodate multiple guest
large kitchen area
walk in storage area to keep food stuff safe
multiple bathrooms
multiple rooms

Other Creations From LordMaverick

Majoras Tavern

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