SD Trader

Rated 4.0 from 12 votes
Category Redstone
Theme Modern
Size Small
File Format .schematic
Submitted by ProMcEngineering
Posted on June 27th, 2013 03:49 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 230 times


Length 7 Width 7 Height 10 121 blocks Relative height to paste: 0 block


SD.'Special Design Trader'.
Yo yo yo! PME here with something that we call a 'Must'!
What is it and how does it work?!..
Well if you dont know what this is, we must tell you that this is a special made trading system by the Professional Minecraft Engineering Team. This is made only for all you special ones! and you won't find it any other place but here! and best of all its total free to download!
How it does work. well. theres 3 options!
1: Lever (Accept trade)
2: Button (Deny trade/get stuff back)
3: take your stuff and leave
NOTE both players have to accept the trade / pull the lever before the ifems will transfer.
Minimal redstone, easy to use just need a walls around and enter doors. Just what every server needs for their pvp world!

- Haha we know that my friend.. we know! 8)
- We used a hour designing and building this!
- Thanks alot everybody for downloading our schematics!

We love yaall!!! And if anybody wants make a youtube video about the trade and how it works, we will pick the best one and use it as the schematic video! All you have to do is paste the link of your video in a comment below! Thanks for now!

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