EPIC 8 level Maze

Category Entertainement
Theme Other
Size Large
File Format .schematic
Submitted by thehog01
Posted on June 14th, 2013 03:29 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 7860 times


Length 69 Width 64 Height 39

Youtube Video


4 Levels of glass, 1 Spooky level (with traps & secret chests), 1 Leafy level, 1 mossy stone level, 1 lava level. All levels have access to the next one above and come complete with chests for pirzes (we use Treasure Chest plugin for this).
If you face north it will paste directly front and right of you.
If you find that the upper 3 glass levels too hard you can cut them out for a more fun maze as opposed to a hard maze.
To check out this maze before you download it you can visit us at crimson.nn.pe:25583 and type /warp maze (if you want to fly around it and investigate it properly just ask an admin).
For more info about Crimson Dawn visit www.crimsondawnmc.enjin.com

Other Creations From thehog01

Compact 9-0 Count Down
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Country House
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Comments (18)

There's no way to complete the fourth level. I mapped the entire thing using only that layer of the schematic and followed every possible route from both the entrance and the exit.   by dgtlshdw
on September 26th, 2023 07:29 PM EST

You're right. You have to make your own. It's what I had to do as well.
  by Maveric215
on November 26th, 2023 07:51 PM EST
Are the vines decor, or are they needed to complete the maze? I absolutely love this maze. I'm making it on my server, and trying to do a Decked out thing if you've ever watched Hermitcraft. FANTASTIC JOB   by Maveric215
on September 8th, 2023 11:42 PM EST
just like mom used to make :3   by MarioRashi1
on April 13th, 2021 08:38 AM EST
Thats a Great Schematic i like it.   by Dean0162
on August 22nd, 2015 08:03 PM EST
I personally think this is the best minecraft maze I've tried, but I haven't tried many. I like the diversity and the balance of fun entertaining levels and more difficult levels. Each level offers something a little different to keep things interesting. I had no problems downloading and setting up the schematic. There was one issue with one of the redstone machines in the trap level, it's not deal breaking and is probably related to differences in redstone functionality between versions or mod platforms (vanilla, bukkit, spigot, we use Canary). My favorite part is the iron door section. I'm not going to say anymore...

Thanks for sharing.
  by Nutmegan
on June 23rd, 2015 03:48 PM EST
Hallo, wie kommt man von Lvl.5 zu Lvl. 6 ? Ich lande immer wieder am Anfang ...

Google: Hello, how to get from Lvl.5 to Lvl. 6? I always land back at the beginning ...
  by marie
on March 21st, 2015 03:41 PM EST
Can you send me the .zip file for it please? I can't load .schematic files :(   by Anaylie
on August 22nd, 2014 05:46 PM EST
/gamerule doFireTick disable

This Lab is very nice!
  by lalimule
on June 8th, 2014 09:00 AM EST
Wonderfull Maze!
Really enjoying it and I might put it on my server as an Event!
I will just change Chest content (if there any on it as for me there isn't any item in all chest!)
(playing in MCPC+ 1.6.2)
so well that for sure really great and also pretty hard I like it thanks :D
  by baoulettes
on May 7th, 2014 08:53 AM EST
Can it be put underground ? (Does it have it of lights ? )   by cistehovado
on March 7th, 2014 02:00 AM EST
Hello, I must say this maze is amazing.
I liked it so much I am having my staff on my server test it out!
I did ask them to provide a video of their whole progress start to finish, once I have it, I will post it to share and show how fun it is. I asked them not to use their perms like fly and speed, lets us see how that works out, lol.
Of course I will leave a few details out so it is not to easy for anyone to follow and get it done fast.

Thanks for the awesome maze!
  by TheIronSquirel
on August 23rd, 2013 01:35 AM EST
It's great but the last glass level needs fixing. there's no way to finish it
  by nicoit
on August 6th, 2013 05:29 PM EST
Could I use this in a server with your name in credit   by Jellephant
on August 3rd, 2013 11:02 PM EST
You sure this is possible? The last glass level, only way I found to go through it was to break glass.... Where the hell you can find a way to the end? Do you have MAPS made of these layers?   by semirotta
on August 1st, 2013 07:56 AM EST

It can be completed, although there is a dummy exit on the last of the glass lvls to put u as far away from that lvls exit as we could get u lol, hence the trolls book :P
  by thehog01
on August 12th, 2013 10:50 AM EST
Whenever i create it, then go into minecraft its on fire! (only a small portion of it) and i was wondering if you could fix that plz! but this maze is amazing though so good job!   by theoneoverthere01
on July 21st, 2013 12:32 PM EST

You need to have fire spread switched off and lava fire switched off
  by Tribaluk
on September 4th, 2013 08:17 AM EST

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