Intel Z170 Motherboard 2

Rated 2.5 from 2 votes
Category Miscellaneous
Theme Other
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by MatthewStevenGo
Posted on May 28th, 2016 03:25 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 41 times


The third Intel Z170 motherboard I built. Hope you like it. :)

Other Creations From MatthewStevenGo

AMD A88X-G43 (MSI)
IWI Uzi Pro submachine gun
ATI Radeon HD 3650 (MSI)

Comments (3)

And if not what is it?
I understand for a map, a building, a RedStone system, it is used to some things.
But a computer system ... It's the point in MineCraft on a map?
I think that has much interesting than if you put a schematic of a sand block, I could be wrong but honestly ....

Good game to you !!!

Et sinon ça sert à quoi ?
Je comprends pour une map, une construction, un systeme RedStone, ça sert à quelques chose.
Mais un systeme informatique ... Ca sert à quoi dans MineCraft sur une map ?
Je trouve que s'est autant interressant que si vous mettiez un schematic d'un bloc de sable, je peux me tromper mais franchement ....

Bon jeu à vous !!!
  by Guadalia
on May 28th, 2016 12:30 PM EST

It's a sandbox game, we're free to build whatever we want (and so we're free to share our creations). And, just look at the details, it's a truly awesome job ! It must take time to build this !
  by MrSpacemau5
on May 28th, 2016 01:26 PM EST

I do not disagree !!!

Everyone is free to love or not, you will understand that I do not like personally.
I do not put notes, but I tell you.
And yet you have very beautiful buildings contruction.

Good game

Je ne dis pas le contraire !!!

Chacun est libre d'aimer ou non, vous comprendrez que personnellement j'aime pas.
Je ne mets pas de notes, mais je vous le dit.
Et pourtant vous avez de tres belle contruction de batiments.

Bon jeu
  by Guadalia
on May 28th, 2016 02:03 PM EST

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