Simple L House

Rated 0.0 from 0 vote
Category Houses And Shops
Theme Other
Size Small
File Format .schematic
Submitted by MRockII
Posted on March 16th, 2016 09:06 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 58 times


Simple L shaped house, partially furnished so you can add the finishing touches to your liking. I built this from scratch and I am by far a great builder but I like the look of the house and may try using the same style in other layouts. Hope you enjoy my first schematic.

P.S. Feel free to use or modify anyway you like, all I ask is that I am given credit where credit is due. Thank you.

Other Creations From MRockII

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Comments (2)

ask* not as, my bad.   by MRockII
on March 16th, 2016 09:16 PM EST

IGNORE - Found how to edit post >.
  by MRockII
on March 16th, 2016 09:18 PM EST

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