Von uns für dich, die Map von unserem hoch kompetentem Building Team.
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From us to you, the Map by our competent building team.
Review all our Project on our profile. We appreciate your feedback.
Or come right past on our Minecraft server. >
If you want to use the map on your server you need to add us as the Map Creators!
Only complaint if there is one is that the whole village appear to be lacking a privy/outhouse/bathroom. Not that I can't build one. Otherwise very quaint village and I appreciate the thought behind it. Excellent hay wagons, floating lighthouse??, overall super! rated 4.5 |
by Abequa on April 9th, 2016 02:26 PM EST Reply |
Its NOT a world save!! |
by XXTechMoXX2 on March 3rd, 2016 03:43 PM EST Reply |
What do you mean? It's a schematic of the Wood House... - |
by Linecraft on March 5th, 2016 09:57 AM EST Reply |