Category Entertainement
Theme Other
Size Huge
File Format .schematic
Submitted by ronman101
Posted on July 22nd, 2015 10:28 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 1698 times


Length 346 Width 442 Height 60 9175920 blocks Relative height to paste: 68 blocks


If you like my original airport and you have some more space, I decided to make some improvements, so here is the list: Upper and Lower Entrances for Arrivals and Departures. Downstairs, Two baggage claims, bathrooms, and information counters. Upstairs, 4 Ticket Counters for various airlines. Access to Train Station via overhead walkway. Check point security entrances on both sides of entrance (Lines for TSA Approved and General Boarding). Place your items in the hopper for security scan (They really work). Walk through the full body scanner, pick up your items and your in the terminal.
Within the long Terminal, there are 12 Gates. Stop by the Shops and Foods vendors (Looks like a MD to me). 3 full bathrooms at Gates 1, 5, and 7. Ticket Counters at all Gates. Boarding Entrances marked for First Class and General Boarding. Below Terminal, Parking for all equipment, Cars, Food trucks, etc. Roads everywhere for Security to access any part of the airport. New and improved Control Tower (Upper and Lower areas to control inbound/outbound planes). Two full 10,000 ft runways (22L/02R and 22R/02L) both with two taxiways. Two Hangers for planes. Green lighted taxi ways for planes to follow. Two Security Gates to enter the airport roads.

If I left anything out, left me know and it will go in Version 3-0!

Other Creations From ronman101

First World Hotel Genting Highlands, Malaysia*
Lighthouse (7 Ancient Wonders of the World)
Chrysler Building (Unfinished)
Sear's (Willis) Tower

Comments (3)

Can we somehow get the preservation of peace?   by i_n_i
on July 1st, 2017 05:45 AM EST
Any chance I can get a world save version? The schematic crashes my game while trying to load in.   by kwstoudt
on December 19th, 2015 01:36 PM EST
Well, that airport is impressive! Better than the airport from the instant massive structures mod.   by Horror_LP
on December 5th, 2015 04:13 AM EST

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