So this is my first creation, a small generator of cobblestone, looks nice in every village of players or where you want to put it... it's not supposed to look nice, but is utility is brutal. It generates cobblestone from water and lava (ofc), its a process that takes sometime, 6 to 7 minutes.
Every lane takes between 34 sec - 36 sec to build.
Every lane creates 11 blocks of cobblestone.
You only can build 13 lanes of cobblestone.
So... 11 * 13 = 143 Blocks of Cobblestone - each process.
In chest it will have:
1 Tutorial book;
1 Stone Slab;
1 Redstone Torch;
1 Upgraded Pickaxe;
I will try to do better and i'm hopping that i can make this generator faster and more automatized!
Thank you for support,