
Rated 3.5 from 5 votes
Category Miscellaneous
Theme Other
Size Small
File Format .schematic
Submitted by Bubblegun209
Posted on May 9th, 2015 03:25 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 145 times


Length 23 Width 24 Height 37 815 blocks


Mythological spirits from a Native American origin, Windigos are the evil man-eating giants believed to originated in Anishinabe mythology. Windigos play the roles of monsters and bogeymen in some legends; in others, Chippewa people who commit sins (especially selfishness, gluttony, or cannibalism) are turned into a Windigo as punishment. The apperance of a windigo is huge, monstrous, and made of or coated in ice, but the human it once was is still frozen inside the monster where its heart should be, and must be killed to defeat the windigo. In a few legends a human has been successfully rescued from the heart of a windigo, but usually once a person has been possessed by a windigo spirit, the only escape is death.

Alternate spellings: Wiindigoo, Wendigo, Weendigo, Windego, Wiindgoo, Windgo, Weendigo, Wiindigoo, Windago, Windiga, Wendego, Windagoo, Widjigo, Wiijigoo, Wijigo, Weejigo, Wìdjigò, Wintigo, Wentigo, Wehndigo, Wentiko, Windgoe, Windgo, Wintsigo. Windigoag is a plural form (also spelled Windegoag, Wiindigooag, or Windikouk.)

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Comments (2)

I like it! I can appreciate the divergence from the standard more ape-like designs of Wendigo.   by EdCr0w
on May 10th, 2015 12:42 AM EST

Thanks, all the reference images I could find of the creature made it look like a buck standing on its back legs, with elongated arms. So I tried to emulate that, glad you could appreciate this interpretation
  by Bubblegun209
on May 10th, 2015 08:37 AM EST

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