Pirate Ship O' Lost Dead

Category Boats
Theme Other
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by EdCr0w
Posted on May 4th, 2015 01:28 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 1268 times


Length 86 Width 31 Height 66


http://www.minecraft-schematics.com/schematic/3850/ This is a fine pie piece of pirate work indeed by TOTOS01. But that is a Sail not a flag. So here is the rest of the pirate ship to go with it. Other than the white wool this was built from scratch. Not so much for historical acuracy, Another one of my deadly toys. 5 arrows cannons most facing into the ship. Why? Because its filled with mob spawners!. I Did my best to carefully build the decks with slabs so that there should be minimal normal spawn, even on harder modes (Sail spawn happens.) Trying to keep the creepers out. There are 3 types of spawners silverfish, skeleton and zombie. Near each spawner is a redstone light to limit spawns. There isa little safe room in the captain's quaters to rest up. A few secret spots. A few scary spots, Some booty and a boss fight in the slimey bilgewater filled keel! I've been at it for a good thirty hours. I more than meets the eye to the unwarey traveler.

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Comments (1)

Having some issues with the spawners working but everything else works great! Goes great with the skull hideout :-)
  by bofhtx
on August 15th, 2016 08:01 PM EST

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