Two Floor Medium Barn

Category Miscellaneous
Theme Other
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by Shafa1Uchiha
Posted on May 1st, 2015 07:53 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 423 times


This is a barn that I created myself. It consists of:
* 1 Medium pig pen
* 1 Medium sheep stable
* 1 Large cow stable
* 1 Mini slaughter room
* 1 Large rabbit pen
* 1 Large chest (5) room

[b] Also, you may have noticed that there is no space for chickens or horses. I will be making a separate [u] chicken coop [u] and [u] horse stables [u] soon. [b]

It is a two floor barn with a skylight and adequate lighting for night time. It also comes stocked with hay bales and an authentic looking floor made of coarse dirt so that grass does not grow on it. There are also grass blocks for the sheep to eat for them to regrow their wool.

There are signs to indicate what animals are supposed to go where, but you can always put he animals wherever you want. I highly advice you remove the signs afterwards to make the barn look seamless.

Other Creations From Shafa1Uchiha

Automated Chicken Coop
Three Floor Modern House
Modest Modern House
8 Horses Stable

Comments (1)

My bolds and underlines are a fail, ho do i edit my description?   by Shafa1Uchiha
on May 1st, 2015 07:56 AM EST

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