Ed's 9 Gun Defense Tower

Rated 0.7 from 3 votes
Category Towers
Theme Other
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by EdCr0w
Posted on April 29th, 2015 03:19 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 75 times


I'm cleaning up my bloated schematic folder. I found the proto-type for my defense towers. Gave it a tune-up, refilled the arrow chests, double checked the hoppers. It has a centralized command room where you can operate the three levels of arrow cannons. On/Off Lava fire arrows from the middle cannons. Arrow auto-loaders. The 3 slab pads in front color coded for range finding with a hopper/elevator system to collect any drop into a chest in the command center. This is my plainest but most brutal defense tower. It faces West try to turn it and I won't help you realign all those hoppers. Included is a raw guts version that might help if you need to repair.

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