Addams Family House 0.5

Category Houses And Shops
Theme Ancient
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by Poffel
Posted on August 3rd, 2014 05:10 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 836 times


This is my first bigger creation. I know that this house does not totally fit the villa in the movie. I couldn't create exactly the moviehouse because it changes during the movies. The windows and rooms are not perfectly adapted on the movie data, but I couldn't find a rear-sight. So, please correct it so as you think is right and mail me. The basement is not included in this file an the graveyard is not finished yet.

Other Creations From Poffel

Wiehl City Hall

Comments (2)

Cool   by gawdsmack
on December 22nd, 2016 03:59 AM EST
By the way, the architectural style should be a mix of italienic and victorian.   by Poffel
on August 3rd, 2014 05:14 AM EST

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