Archaic Reseach Center

Category Redstone
Theme Other
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by larg53
Posted on April 10th, 2014 07:03 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 368 times


This is a Minecraft Adventure map. Created by me (Larg53) it was original supposed to be for flans mod, but i wanted comments so i could see whether i was wasting my time or not.

Post comments so i know what needs to be done before i continue!
For decades the Archaic Research Center has been quietly studying ancient mines and ruins, but current events of ARC's recent areas of investigation has disturbed and endangered employees. Your job is to go into the mine and find the source of what is causing such havoc. As you step down from your private aircraft (Your phone out of service), you begin to wonder what is going on, as there are no guards to greet you. Only after a while do you realize that it is truly abandoned and your new objective is to delve deep into ARC's mines and find out what happened.
AS OF VERSION 2: dont take fire charges from door purgers
Mines are not finished yet but will be in version 3
15-30 mins of gameplay
Map Proudly presented to Flan for the verification of enjoyment to others

VERSION 3 SO FAR: January 9 2014: Finish PLANING the first level which will consist of a power generator room that is missing a conductor (REDSTONE TRAIL PIECE) and button to start it. It will have a furnace room and Oxygen room which will provide and immersive ventilation system throughout the mines. The furnace room, with my near recent discovery of making a furnace produce a redsotne signal, will provide required power to start the generator. There is more, but time is running low.

February 10, 2014: Finished First Level, and finished second and third level planning.
April 10, 2014: Finished First Level Touch ups and am in middle of second level

Morse code to get into the door
Redstone decrypter for entrance gate
hidden passages
opening stair cases
retracting hidden walls
door that requires a key


YOU CAN FIND THE MORSE CODE BOOK IN THE FIREWORK MAINTENANCE ROOM! It took me forever to figure out how to go about the morsecode, please try it out.
The Code for the gate is 691358
If you sleep in the iron room at night, a hidden passage will open up. MAKE SURE THE STAIR CASE REMAINS PARTED!
To get the minecart you must sleep in the iron room
The minecart is not a requirement to get into the mine, infact you could walk straight to the mine and forget the Facility.
Once you enter the hidden passage through the temple there is a pressure plate in the long corridor, step on it and you will enter another secret area.
Follow the corridor into a cave and walk to the left of the iron door that is locked.
Behind the gold ore is a lever, click it.
This lever parts an iron ore and reveals another lever, click that.
This lever opens the entire cave wall to your right in an instant.
In the chess is a key, use it to put it in the dropper next to the iron door then click the button.
once you use the minecart to get back up, go to the office up stairs.
There are 2 iron ingots
Go up the elevator and open the vault door to the mess room.
There are two shoots with torches, throw the iron ingots down the shoots.
Once the door is open you are in a library, look to your left and there is a light switch. IN one of the rows there is a lever, easy to spot for now, This opens up a secret passage in the library, find it and there is another lever in it, open it and that opens a door in the middle of the bookcases and thus the reason for the ridiculously long tunnel that goes across the sky, use the minecart to enter the mine, and thus version three shall come.

Comments (2)

Its because the map was never updated, sure ill fix it, ill also fix that dl link lol   by larg53
on October 24th, 2015 02:45 PM EST
everytime i try to go into this it first says something about archmagica or something like that block id is missin when i click it to load world anyway i first spawn in what seem to be wrong then die then spawn on top of a lot of modern weapon boxes plz fix and in the flan map section you put the download beneath spoiler ended up accendently reading some spoiler but plz fix thosse weapon boxes   by simonjs
on October 24th, 2015 02:34 PM EST

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