Stargate Ring Transporter

Category Redstone
Theme Futurist
Size Small
File Format .schematic
Submitted by Mafoo
Posted on March 23rd, 2014 08:07 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 348 times


Length 9 Width 13 Height 19 Relative height to paste: 0 block


Here we go here is my first creation

Designed in 1.7.2

A teleporter inspired by the Stargate ring transporters (

There is a command block just underneath the centre of the transport platform that does the TP, it currently moves you +5 X to demonstrate it working, I would recommend only changing the destination, as the selector is set-up just to teleport people inside the ring.

Sequence currently
- bring the ring down from above
- plays a tune (whoever ID's it first gets a mention!)
- issue the tp command
- run the reset cycle to push the rings back up

You can replace the rings with any slab (remember to place upside down, I would recommend you place a switch on the very top red block in the on position to force the rings down)
Change the walking plate out to be sand (just remember to install some supports) to make it not obvious where the ring is
you can slab the ceiling to also hide the protruding slabs

I couldn't figure out how to program a command block to scan a specific area relative to placement to be a invisible trigger. ( I know how to read specific X Y Z which won't help people who want a easy set-up). If you know how to do this please do let me know how!

If you need some help getting this working on your server give me a shout and i will see what i can do.

Comments (6)

A good representation of star gate rings   by Mikeoz28
on February 26th, 2016 05:38 AM EST
The greatest damn thing i've come across on here, and i've seen many great builds. but this is just superb. I've used it unrestricted in many worlds and must say, thank you very much.   by Maddarkzen
on January 13th, 2015 05:14 AM EST
This+MC1.8.............../particle? i think with {/particle} it would cool with some particles before and after teleport of course the only con that i can see (w/o mods) is you would have to keep it chunk loaded and as far as i know there is no easy and light on resources chunk-loader in vanilla minecraft. tho if IF you use a chunk-loader mod (such as Chickenchunks, or Railcraft (those are the two that i know of)) you are free to teleport wherever.   by RedstoneGeek223
on September 19th, 2014 11:15 AM EST
For scanning an area for player, read up on Target selector arguments on the minecraft wiki on this page

It will allow you to be able to find players with @p, but aslo enter an range within to look.
  by MusicalCreeper01
on July 9th, 2014 02:23 PM EST
Very cool   by Kavex
on June 10th, 2014 09:28 PM EST
la classe ultime, gg!

Ultimate Swag ! gg!
  by FunkyToc
on April 14th, 2014 03:20 PM EST

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