MCSuire's Big House

Category Houses And Shops
Theme Futurist
Size Large
File Format .schematic
Submitted by MCSuire
Posted on March 23rd, 2014 02:54 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 340 times


Length 30 Width 32 Height 15


Alright so this is a house that I worked on for more or less than a week. It's just basically a large clay house with a futuristic touch to it. Here are its features:

* A decently sized porch. It does use smooth stone in pattern with stone slabs, so it's not exactly enderman-proof.
+ Three balconies on the top floor, each overlooking the front yard.

+ Two floors with multiple rooms and redstone lamps. Torches light the outside and redstone power lights the inside, basically.
+ The bottom floor is made of half-slabs to keep mobs from spawning within (except for endermen).
+ The top floor is covered with black carpet and has a balcony overlooking the bottom floor.
+ Big windows for a good view of the outside.
+ Multiple locations for placing beds and storage.
+ A small kitchen nook on the bottom floor.
+ While it may not be the smallest, its size should allow easier placement in some biomes.

Blocks used:

Hardened Clay
Smooth Stone
Smooth Stone Slabs
Stone Brick
Stone Brick Slabs
Iron Bars
Glass Panes
Redstone Blocks
Redstone Lamps
Black Carpet
Iron Doors
Stone Buttons

Other Creations From MCSuire

MCSuire's Subterranian Complex (Big Underground Base)

Comments (2)

Nice house and with the bonus of no mobs.Great work   by jar9
on March 23rd, 2014 06:22 PM EST

Thank you very much. Hope you enjoy it! :)
  by MCSuire
on March 25th, 2014 11:04 AM EST

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