School With Bell Tower

Category Houses And Shops
Theme Other
Size Small
File Format .schematic
Submitted by thecoffindodger
Posted on March 12th, 2014 04:35 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 930 times


School with bell tower and playground + a zebra crossing :P

This School can be added and connected to my last 2 builds: "Back To Back Terraced House"
and "The Terraced Shop" The roads on these 3 builds will mach up. Or just use it in what ever

you want. Its allso decorated inside with blackboard teachers desk and pupils desks,
it consists of 1 classroom bell tower room and head teachers office..... "ENJOY"

Other Creations From thecoffindodger

Flemish House
Twin High Rize Gate House
The White Light Restaurant
Anvil Temple

Comments (5)

Nice build, keep it up dude   by Reecybond
on June 24th, 2014 02:38 PM EST
hi thecoffindodger

just to let you know that this build was the best one ive done so far, very easy and not confusing

thanks for sharing
L x
  by Loppylugs21
on April 30th, 2014 12:57 PM EST
Hey bro, I have a offer for you in my server :D
Add me, you will love :p
Skype: theoldtribos
  by The1Old
on March 26th, 2014 02:55 PM EST
Hey! Great build. It has been entered into my and my friend's build review show. Minecraft Super builds. If you get more votes than the other map then you will be added to our hall of fame on our server! Good luck!

Also, why is the classroom 2B? is there a reason behind that?
  by superninjaducky
on March 23rd, 2014 12:34 AM EST

Hi superninjaducky
First Thank you for picking my build for a review, :)
As for the 2B mistery 2B or not 2B ... lol
originally the office was 1B but it turned out too small
for a class room so I made it into the office and
it was just plain laziness that I never changed the sign text .... MY BAD !
I saw your video on youtube Great stuff !
Thank you again for showing my
Work. Feel free you use anymore of my builds ;)
  by thecoffindodger
on March 24th, 2014 10:53 AM EST

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