Medieval Comfort

Category Houses And Shops
Theme Medieval
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by mattkpc
Posted on February 24th, 2014 08:04 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 613 times


Length 28 Width 48 Height 40


A medieval style home with amenities of the middle ages: ivy on the walls, a creepy attic, and a secret dungeon (if you can find it). I'm not much of a decorator so it's a little bare inside. Enjoy!

Edit: I realize now that I forgot to copy air in the schematic so the secret underground dungeon is a little more of a secret than I intended. Sorry about that.

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Comments (3)

Hello mattkpc,
Really like your Medieval house build. It’s a great structure. I was wondering if I could ask your permission to use the build schematic to spawn it through the Ancient Warfare mod, so that it is encountered during Minecraft as a random generation, for those who have the mod? A couple of changes might be required, such as the addition of interiors, possibly mob spawners etc, which we will make through the mod.
Full credits will be given to you of course.
The mod is called Ancient Warfare and you can find it on the Minecraft Forums here:
I've been working with the modder, who is very talented, to put together some add-on packs of structures for inclusion with the next release, and other releases going forward. It’s kind of medieval based so only structures that suit the look and feel will be included, which yours does, quite nicely.
The random generation system that the modder has created is pretty awesome and very powerful, you can see progress in the latest teaser I posted on the thread.
  by MohawkyMagoo
on April 23rd, 2014 02:15 AM EST

Glad you like it. And it's fine for you to use it however you want. All of my creations/posts are completely open to the public
  by mattkpc
on April 23rd, 2014 12:08 PM EST
awsome :D   by seddas
on February 26th, 2014 05:04 AM EST

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