
Category Gardens
Theme Medieval
Size Small
File Format .schematic
Submitted by FunkyToc
Posted on January 28th, 2014 02:26 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 498 times


Length 11 Width 11 Height 4 484 blocks Relative height to paste: 2 blocks


Here is a very small/compact Farm. Using the max range of water (4x4), this small farm contains all the food you need for your survival game.

Included :
- Potato, carrot, wheat, pumpkin, melon, sugar cane
- Crafting table, furnace, light
- Chest (under water)
- Security fence, with gates

Made for 1.7 or later, but you can use it on earlier version (acacia wood missed)

Good Luck & Have Redstone !

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Clock Timer (Long)

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